Whether you are looking for workshop facilitation, a rapid improvement programme or to develop and train your team, our facilitators are some of the most experienced, most charismatic, most knowledgeable in the business.

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Processfix was born from the desire to demonstrate real and immediate improvement within a training environment. We developed the approach based on our values of engaging the people who actually do the work, appropriate selection of tools and our belief that people only truly learn by doing.

You can choose to have your workshop facilitated either in-person or live streamed online from our dedicated studio in Milton Keynes. This unique purpose-built facility enables our facilitators to replicate the same interactive experience as our in-person events.

Processfix does exactly what it says on the tin: fix processes. We achieve this by bringing powerful, proven and behaviour-changing techniques to bear in a professionally facilitated rapid improvement workshop. These challenge your people to develop new and improved ways of working that transform performance and deliver immediate results every time.

Reserve your place
at a one-day masterclass

26 Jun 2025 - Milton Keynesbook here
16 Oct 2025 - Milton Keynesbook here

Get in touch

Email info@processfix.com

Phone +44 (0) 1908 584 710